20 February 2012

My Birthday

A very personal post now, but this has to be shared.

Yesterday was my birthday, a day I've been quite anxiously awaiting as my parents planned a huge get together of family, friends and so forth, some of which I hadn't seen for 10 years or more. All people that mean a lot to me. I, of course, invited all of my personal friends.

I spent the majority of the early morning talking to family and running around greeting people before all of my friends arrived. I was surprised how much people had changed. One of my best friends from my childhood and his sister came with their fiance's. I was looking at a completely different face to the one I last saw 6-7 years ago, but it was still the same person and we talked about old times. It was amazing.

My Granddad is still taking the loss of my Nana very hard. It was difficult to talk about it but he seemed to really enjoy it and I know she would have loved to see us all together and him laughing and having a good time.

The house was incredibly full and my room was about as cramped as it could be. Everyone was talking and having a really good time and there was enough food to feed a small country.

Of course, I was happy sat in my room with my closest friends for the evening. My birthdays usually consist of a bunch of my friends in my room sharing KFC buckets or a Chinese or something. I have a pile of awesome gifts from them and great proof of how well people know me and what I like, but I need to talk about the most special gift of the day and also the most special person of the day.

Jade, thank you so much. Calling you my best friend or saying I love you lots would be a massive understatement. I know you're going through a hard time at the moment and I'm here for you through the entire thing. I know I say stupid things at time and take the silliest things to heart, but you always make me realize my mistake. You make me laugh and worry, you make me smile and I hope I make you smile back. Please just know, you have somebody who sees you in this light and I'll always be here. Please keep being patient with me as I'm just socially awkward as can be, really. And for anybody else reading this, Jade painted me that dragon and it's amazing and she shouldn't doubt her ability ever, it's my favourite birthday present.

On that note, I have a friend coming today as we're sorting a trip to Germany (Gamescom!) so I best finish this post up before I start to blather on about what food we ate. I hope everybody had a very good weekend.

formatting of the post is a bit messed up and I'm not sure why.

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